For the inexperienced, jumping into a new home based opportunity such as cash gifting can be a little intimidating, especially if you don't have network marketing skills. Today, people from all walks of life are beginning to join cash gifting activities but at an alarming rate, 90% of the people who get involved fail. Yet there still seems to be so much buzz surrounded around these kind of online programs.
So this leaves one asking the question: what seems to be the problem with something that is so popular but leaves the majority failing miserably? Being a good marketer is obviously a major piece to the puzzle but if this too is known, why is there still such a high failure rate? Well first, one must realize that without a system in place to create LEADS, no fancy program with all the bells and whistles will work. Leads are the fuel to the entire engine and your program is just the vehicle. So if this is the case, what system for generating leads should you be following? Or, if you are currently involved in something like cash gifting, what system does your upline (sponsor) have you following?
The reason for all these questions are to get you to understand that without an illustrated step by step guide, it is virtually impossible to have success in ANY online platform . This was the reason it took me forever to experience my success. I could have bypassed all the guessing, pain and headaches I went through had I just understood the value of using a logical system to generate leads for me. But the good news is that this helped me and without it I would have never been able to teach people what I call the Marketing Funnel System!
Everybody needs a guide to help them reach the success they seek and I am living proof. My Marketing Funnel System has been the "lightbulb" for many pepole who simply went on to apply this to their marketing strategy. If you’ve ever witnessed people who just seem to jump right into programs and immediately begin generating 6 figures, it is because they use a simple system identical to this. ALL TOP PRODUCERS DO! Otherwise, you’ll be lost without one.
So this leaves one asking the question: what seems to be the problem with something that is so popular but leaves the majority failing miserably? Being a good marketer is obviously a major piece to the puzzle but if this too is known, why is there still such a high failure rate? Well first, one must realize that without a system in place to create LEADS, no fancy program with all the bells and whistles will work. Leads are the fuel to the entire engine and your program is just the vehicle. So if this is the case, what system for generating leads should you be following? Or, if you are currently involved in something like cash gifting, what system does your upline (sponsor) have you following?
The reason for all these questions are to get you to understand that without an illustrated step by step guide, it is virtually impossible to have success in ANY online platform . This was the reason it took me forever to experience my success. I could have bypassed all the guessing, pain and headaches I went through had I just understood the value of using a logical system to generate leads for me. But the good news is that this helped me and without it I would have never been able to teach people what I call the Marketing Funnel System!
Everybody needs a guide to help them reach the success they seek and I am living proof. My Marketing Funnel System has been the "lightbulb" for many pepole who simply went on to apply this to their marketing strategy. If you’ve ever witnessed people who just seem to jump right into programs and immediately begin generating 6 figures, it is because they use a simple system identical to this. ALL TOP PRODUCERS DO! Otherwise, you’ll be lost without one.
To all your success,
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein